Sparrow Bachman IOP Co-leader

Sparrow by the numbers:

2 cats
1 wife
100+ house plants

Sparrow moved to OR the summer of 2008, to get their training to become a LMT. The classes in science sparked their curiosity on the biological and social connection to behavior.  In 2010 attending SOU to get their degree in Art after almost competing the program changed majors to Human Communication, with a focus on nonverbal communication.

In 2012 in their search for answers to their own challenges discovered DBT- Sparrow Fell in love with this skill-based modality and integrated the skills into everyday use. While their struggles where far from over, these skills had been a foundation to their success.  Working as a hospice caregiver specializing in Dementia support, they spent free time volunteering for Non-Profits to support their self-directed education and career goals which while the path they forged was the long way- there is no other way they would choose to have journeyed to the point where they are today in 2024 at PDBTI supporting others in their own journey to a life worth living, and to empower others to build life their way.

Sparrow values community, authenticity, kindness, and personal development.


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