Making Time for Mindfulness

Jason Fritts, LCSW

5:00pm to 6:00pm

Presented by
Jason Fritts, LCSW
Portland DBT Institute

If you are interested in this group, or any services with PDBTI, please fill out our electronic interest form.

Electronic Interest Form Printable Interest Form


At PDBTI, Jason is Program Manager for the DBT-S team to support clients’ recovery from co-occurring substance use and mental health difficulties.  His professional training, range of personal interests (from meditation and yoga, to recreational team sports, to popular and jazz music performance), and life experiences with grief and loss inform his empathic, light-hearted, scientific, and down-to-earth approach to working with clients in therapy.


In this advanced practice group, we will spend time going more deeply into the mindfulness skills found in DBT, other evidence-based mental health treatment approaches such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and other traditions.  The emphasis in this group is to practice mindfulness for longer periods of time and in different situations, so we will spend up to 10-20 minutes each session practicing the skills together.  This is an open group that runs ongoing, and caps at 8 participants.


 Individuals who are interested in learning more about the practice of mindfulness and are seeking an opportunity to get an experiential flavor of what mindfulness is all about. Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in:

  • Reducing pain, tension, and stress
  • Increasing joy and happiness
  • Improving physical health and relationships
  • Decreasing anxiety and depression

“The Present moment is filled with joy and happiness.
If you are attentive, you will see it.”

Thich Nhat Hahn


We can work with insurance providers to bill group services. We work with most insurance companies, and charge $75 per group session if individuals wish to pay out-of-pocket. The out-of-pocket cost will increase to $95 effective 9/1.

We ask all individuals who wish to participate in services at Portland DBT Institute to complete an intake session in order to review goals of group, answers questions about the group process, create a brief treatment plan, and answer questions about billing and insurance procedures.

Electronic Interest Form Printable Interest Form

For registration, insurance, and billing questions, please contact our Intake Team at (503) 290-3291 or